Malaria deaths have declined by 30% and HIV infections by 74%. Nigeria produces more movies than America does. The Lion Awakes is the true story of today's Africa, one often overshadowed by the dire headlines.
The New Model Economy: Economic Inventions for the Rest of the Century puts forward certain ideas on how the making of economic policy and the instruments used to implement it...
Examining the economic forces that will shape Africa's future. Africa’s Lions examines the economic growth experiences of six fast growing and/or economically dominant African countries.
The Cougar Conundrum delivers a clear-eyed assessment of a modern wildlife challenge, offering practical advice for wildlife managers, conservationists, hunters, and those who share their habitat with large predators.
. . . The publishers are to be commended for re-issuing the book with both old and new introductions and making it available as an affordable paperback for students. The work is a classic."--Times Higher Education Supplement
Tropical Exports and Economic Development: New Perspectives on Producer Response in Three Low-income Countries
This book explores the principle issues surrounding the effective participation of the developing countries in the new, more interdependent global economy. It is up-to-date and offers a fresh and critical...
Severe environmental problems were a key issue in the protests that marked the end of communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. This groundbreaking book...
If you're like most Americans, you're better off than you were five years ago. The statistics tell us that times are good: inflation is down; growth, productivity, and profits are...
Finally, the conclusions have been rethought in the light of the mushrooming cloud of antiglobalist protests.