Verandah Musicis a unique anthology of writing on traditional Australian music which provides a fascinating insight into the relationship between the music and the people that produced and perpetuated it. Through interviews, photographs and personal stories, VerandahMusic illuminates the traditions, working lives and family connections of some of Australia's most colourful characters and the music they loved.
The book comes complete with two CD's, mastered by the National Library of Australia, which greatly enhances the reader's understanding and enjoyment of this unique form of Australian folk music
A seminal work providing detailed information for ethnic and vernacular recordings from many countries on 78rpm, facilitating further research on a sadly neglected topic.
孟孙谓叔孙曰:'庆季之车,不亦美乎?'叔孙曰:'豹闻之:“服美不称,必以恶终。”美车何为?'”叔孙认为美不能违背等级制度的要求,必须与贵贱等级相称。无论是伍举、子产还是叔孙,他们都把善置于美之上,并十分强调美所具有的伦理道德价值,这种思想在孔子的学说中 ...
This exhaustive and complete discography of Indian music issued on microgroove discs and cassettes provides information on over 2,700 recordings of classical and semiclassical music of the Indian subcontinent. It...
The first guide to jazz recordings on CD reviews more than 300 CDs by 80 jazz artists. Essential to jazz aficionados because of the extreme variance in the quality of...
African American Music provides an introduction to all of the richness and diversity of African American musical styles, focusing on the distinct characte4istics and development of each genre. This book...
Encompassing more than four thousand available jazz albums, this informative guide covers sixty-odd years of jazz recordings and every type of jazz--Dixieland, big band, bop, third stream, and fusion--and musician,...
Framing timely and pressing questions concerning music and cultural rights, this collection illustrates the ways in which music--as a cultural practice, a commercial product, and an aesthetic form--has become enmeshed...