En analyse af forholdene, der var baggrunden for oprettelsen af R.A.F. i 1918.
This research measures how differences in F-15E and F-16C Block 50 payload and radius characteristics influence the ability of these aircraft to deliver GBU- and CBU-class weapons against a variety of target sets.
Bailyn Lecture No 7 - A Tale of Three Cities: How the United States Won World War II
However, many basic principles about aerospace power have stood the test of time and warfare. This book provides the reader with many of these time-tested ideas for consideration and reflection.
41–42; and John Terraine, The Right of the Line, pp. 326–327. 37. Detailed accounts of RAF operations in East Africa, Iraq, and Syria are found in TNA AIR 41/27 The Middle East Campaigns v.V: “Campaigns in East Africa, 1940–1941”; ...
This book is a valuable means of increasing our expertise in the employment of airpower. It offers an outstanding overview of airpower theories and will serve as the basic text on this vital subject.
Horses for Courses: A Framework for Evaluating Capability Options Across Multiple Contexts
Military historians and scholars interested in aviation and foreign affairs will find this volume of special interest.
The Influence of Air Power upon History is a thorough examination of how air power was applied from the very earliest days of the balloon down to the latest use of space technology.
"First published in Great Britain in 1991 by Routledge"--Title page verso.