A holistic view of the health care needs of older adults Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults uses a well-being approach to the theory and practice of gerontological nursing that deals with both physiological and psychosocial aspects of aging. The text includes progressive case studies in a variety of care settings to help students link theory to practice. Australia and New Zealand cultural, social and legislative considerations are included throughout.
... and cerebrovascular adverse events ( Ballard et al . , 2007 ) . There is much support for nonpharTeaching About Complementary and Alternative Care Practices Nutrition , exercise , and general mental , physical , and spiritual health ...
Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults
... Ballard, Sandvik, Nilsen, & Aarsland, 2011). Pharmacologic Management of Pain Highlights of evidence-based guidelines for pharmacologic management of persistent pain in older adults published by the American Geriatrics Society ...
CoursePoint+ The same trusted solution, innovation and unmatched support that you have come to expect from CoursePoint+ is now enhanced with more engaging learning tools and deeper analytics to help prepare students for practice.
Lippincott Coursepoint+ Miller's Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults
Schoessler, M., Conedera, F., Bell, L. F., Marshall, D., & Gilson, M. (1993). Use of the Myers-Briggs type indicator to develop a ... Waltz, C. F., Strickland, O. L., & Lenz, E. L. (2005). Measurement in nursing and health research (3rd ...
Composed of more than 70 cases ranging from common to unique, the book compiles years of experience from experts in the field.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. This innovative...
Eshleman and Davidhizar (2006) outlined strategies to encourage cultural competency in an RN to BSN program, and Jacobson, Chu, Pascucci, and Gaskins (2005) provided recommendations for conducting culturally competent research.
Family Meetings Family meetings typically involve the patient, those family members desired by the patient, and the relevant health care providers (Hudson, Quinn, O'Hanlon, & Aranda, 2008). They should routinely be offered on admission ...