Collaboration has emerged as a central concept in public policy circles in Australia and a panacea to the complex challenges facing Australia. But is this really the cure-all it seems to be? In this edited collection we present scholarly and practitioner perspectives on the drivers, challenges, prospects and promise of collaboration. The papers, first presented at the 2007 ANZSOG Conference, draw on the extensive experience of the contributors in either trying to enact collaboration, or studying the processes of this phenomenon. Together the collection provides important insights into the potential of collaboration, but also the fiercely stubborn barriers to adopting more collaborative approaches to policy and implementation. The collection includes chapter from public servants, third sector managers, and both Australian and international academics which together make it a stimulating read for those working with or within government. It adds considerably to the debate about how to address current challenges of public policy and provides a significant resource for those interested in the realities of collaborative governance.
Explores the role of scale and scaling in collaborative governance focusing on a wide range of policy areas with cases drawn from Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America.
St. Paul, MN: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation. Mayer, M and Kentor, R. 2015. ... Miles, R., Snow, C., Meyer, A. and Coleman, H. 1978. ... Moynihan, D., Fernandez, S., Kim, S., LeRoux, M., Piotrowski, S., Wright, B. and Yang, K. 2011.
This book draws on diverse literatures and uses rich case illustrations to inform scholars and practitioners about collaborative governance regimes and to provide guidance for designing, managing, and studying such endeavors in the future.
Public Policy Design and Implementation Carmine Bianchi, Luis F. Luna-Reyes, Eliot Rich ... Collaborative alliances: Moving from practice to theory. ... Discourse and collaboration: The role of conversations and collective identity.
Building civic capacity is not just about providing broad civic education or episodic grants to help community projects get off the ground and then hoping for the best. It is about systematically attempting to ensure that the overall ...
It requires an appropriate institutional design, development of proper management mechanisms, implementation of performance management systems, and effective leadership. The voluntary nature of collaborative governance increases the ...
With the evolution of regional spatial structure in China, this book is timely with its analysis on how China can approach current problems in China's regional governance through a holistic collaborative governance mechanism.
A Practical Guide to Collaborative Governance
Accordingly, Chinese researchers call for a shift of scholarly interests toward regional governance (Yang and Chen 2004). Collaboration between local governments is believed to be one of the policy instruments used to address policy ...
The book is divided into three sections: Section one, “Public Policy Debate Foundations,” lays the foundations regarding processes and methods for scoping, planning, evaluating and transforming citizen engagement.