This book explores the factors behind - and the implications of - the 2006 coup. It brings together contributions from leading scholars, local personalities, civil society activists, union leaders, journalists, lawyers, soldiers and politicians - including deposed Prime Ministers Laisenia Qarase and Mahendra Chaudhry. The 2006 Military Takeover in Fiji: A Coup to End All Coups? is essential reading for those with an interest in the contemporary history of Fiji, politics in deeply divided societies, or in military intervention in civilian politics.
36 Fiji Sun, 23 December 2006. 37 The Fiji Times, 28 December 2006. 38 See The Fiji Times, 23 September 2000, and letters to The Fiji Times on 25 September and 30 September 2000. See also 'pacific people Building peace', update no.
The Prospects for a Third Military Coup in Fiji
Fiji: Coups in Paradise : Race, Politics, and Military Intervention
"The account by (the late) Michael Green, NZ High Commissioner in Fiji of his time and role in Fiji until the surprising announcement of his change in diplomatic status to 'Persona Non Grata' (unwelcome person) in 2007.
"In May 2000 a gang of soldiers and failed politicians, with George Speight at their head, burst into Fiji's Parliament and captured the nation's government led by its first Indo-Fijian...
It was a public holiday and many people had clearly decided to get the voting over and done with to free up the rest ... the correct queues in the first instance would have prevented people from lining up for the wrong polling station.
In the wake of Fiji’s present volatile climate, this book will aid readers in understanding the continuities and disjunctures in Fiji’s interethnic and intraethnic relations.
Explores judicial independence, integrity and impartiality in Asia-Pacific countries.
This groundbreaking study of China’s “soft power” initiatives in these countries offers, for the first time, the diverse perspectives of scholars and diplomats from Oceania, North American, China, and Japan.
Freedom in the World, the Freedom House flagship survey whose findings have been published annually since 1972, is the standard-setting comparative assessment of global political rights and civil liberties.