An unforgettable story of hope, humanity, and survival follows a young child and a very special fish as they make their way to safety when war, drought, and famine ravage their village. Teacher's Guide available.
Nell began to suspect her aunt was planning something quite unrelated to restoring her (perfectly satisfactory) health. Regency Romance by Laura Matthews; originally published by Signet
The first of three Surrey women murdered in Weybridge that exceptionally cold winter of 2009, was a dignified civil servant, Celia Greenwood. Laura Matthews had worked with Miss Greenwood in the same department of Jobcentre, ...
Covering the years 1945-2018, this alphabetical listing provides details about 2,923 unaired television series pilots, including those that never went into production, and those that became series but with a different cast, such as The ...
(Series; Reality; MTV; 2008-2009). Paris Hilton, called “America's Number One It Girl,” seems to gain popularity wherever she goes and whatever she does. Paris is a party girl and loves to shop. Her inner circle are normally A-list ...
A seventh anthology featuring five holiday stories includes the works of Mary Balogh, Jo Beverley, Sandra Heath, Edith Layton, and Laura Matthews, and encompasses such subjects as three matchmaking orphans, a vengeful woman, a reformed rake ...
The syllabus for this exam has changed and this book has now been replaced by 9781107415584 Compact First for Schools Second edition Student's Pack (Student's Book without answers with CD-ROM, Workbook without answers with Audio).
"The course is designed to maximise the performance of school-age learners.
1 A number of reviewers on teenage websites have recommended Tom Cox's new book. BEEN Tom Cox's new book . ... I l The Romans constructed the fort overlooking the hill nearly 2000 years ago. BUILT The fort overlooking the hill .
Laura Matthews had heard enough: she bolted from the couch, waiv— ing her arms: “Damn it,” she said. “Can't the two of you say something positive for a change?” It was suddenly very quiet, as if all worldly noises had been shut off.