89–101), Hixson, McCabe & Brown (2011) and Hoye & Nicholson (2008), International event management: Getz (2005) and Shone & Parry (2010), Negative perspectives: Lenskyj (2002, 2008), Cuneen et al. (1989), Maticka-Tyndale, Herold ...
The objective of the law is to : create a legal basis for the development of the tourism industry in Latvia ; determine the ... Tourism development should be incorporated in the process of territorial planning and regional development .
Legal and regulatory framework for tourism development The General Tourism Law 2009 provides the legal framework for tourism ... and creates the basis for tourism policy, planning and programming throughout the national territory.
Contemporary wisdom suggests that a focus on destination governance is an interesting alternative to both traditional planning and management perspectives of examining destinations, the major benefit being that it improves our ...
Hall, C.M. and Page, S. (1999) The Geography of Tourism and Recreation. Routledge, London. Hall, C.M., Jenkins, J. and Kearsley, G. (1997) Tourism Planning and Policy in Australia and New Zealand: Cases, Issues and Practice.
CONSTITUTIONS 23) Basic legislation on environmental protection, without prejudice to ... a policy on these matters, without a common legal basis but for the Hoover model planning and zoning codes (1921 and 1928), today obsolete.
To amend the regulations on allocation of land (Land Code, the City Planning Code, the Law of KR "On Urban Planning ... an extraterritorial zone "Tamchy" as part of the nation-state territory, and developing for the relevant legal base; ...
The EU Member States Carlos Costa, Emese Panyik, Dimitrios Buhalis ... The duty of local governments, according to the Law on Tourism, is to create development plans and territory planning, setting out tourism development perspectives.
... tourism policy, due to the lack of a direct legal base for Community measures on tourism. Decision making was hampered by restrictive conditions, in that any act of the Council of Ministers needed unanimity among all member states.
This book offers a multifaceted overview of the evolution of spatial development, governance and planning in the Western Balkans from an institutionalist perspective.