This is an exploration of the intriguing world of animals. The first section provides an overview of animal evolution, behaviour, biology, classification, adaptation, habitats and current conservation issues. The second section is an encyclopaedic survey of all the animal groups: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes and invertebrates. Special attention is paid to endangered and vulnerable species.
... protect the softer internal network of chambers. hot air rises through the main chimney shaft and cools mud walls can reach a height of 20 feel (6 m) fresh air enters and stale air is expelled through vents in the porous walls cool ...
Arranged in five main sections - Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Fish and Amphibians and Invertebrates. Written in a direct, easy to understand style, this book is packed with wonderful colour photographs and illustrations.
Encyclopedia of animals: a family reference guide
The Family Encyclopedia of Animal Life
User-friendly and accessible, this is the perfect modern encyclopedia for animal enthusiasts of all ages.
Deep in its underground burrow, the Carolina wolf spider waits for the sun to set. When nighttime falls, it scans the entrance of its burrow with large, sensitive eyes. If there are no predators watching, it comes out to hunt.
The Encyclopedia of Animals
Hunting and competition from domestic cattle mean Hunter's hartebeest is critically endangered . No more than 400 still exist in the wild . Ex + 6 Cattle , goats , and sheep , along with buffalo , antelope , and gazelles , are bovids .
From big cats and apes to whales and dolphins, Encyclopedia ofAnimals profiles more than 400 of the world's most fascinating species.
Presents thorough information on different types of animals from simple single living cells to the most complex kinds of mammals.