Exploring place from myriad perspectives, this volume presents evocative encounterssuch as the Great Barrier Reef experienced through touch or Lake Mungo encountered through soundwhile shedding light on the meaning of place for deaf people. Case studies include the Maze prison in Northern Ireland, Inuit hunting grounds in northern Canada, and the songlines of the Anangu people in central Australia. Iconic landscapes, lookouts, buildings, gardens, suburbs, grieving places, and even cars all provide contexts for experiencing and understanding place.
Now in its fourth edition, this book includes new material on the cost-competitiveness of renewable energy, global environmental trends, and sustainable economies.
Wilson , James D. “ Resolving the ' Delaney Paradox . ” Resources 123 , fall 1996 , pp . 14-17 . RELATED WEB SITES American Chemistry Council http://www.americanchemistry.com American Plastics Council 6-16.
Greening the National Accounts for Scotland
Introduction to Microeconomics: An Ecological Perspective
Geografía de la gobernanza: dinámicas multiescalares de los procesos económico-ambientales
Geografía de la gobernanza: dinámicas multiescalares de los procesos económico-ambientales
... 114 , 154 Disney Corporation , 126 diversity , plant and animal , 4 Dooley , Ed , 171 Dowie , Mark , 123 Duany , Andrès , 93 , 95 , 170 Environmental Defense Fund , 54 Environmental Infrastructure Fund , 149 Environmental Protection ...
Examines the debates over the causes and consequences of environmental change from economic, political, ecological, and social perspectives.
New York : Franklin Watts , 2002 . Goodall , Jane , and Marc Bekoff . The Ten Trusts . San Francisco : HarperSanFrancisco , 2003 . Silverstein , Alvin . Food Chains . Brookfield , CT : TwentyFirst Century Books , 1998 .
Environmental Economic Revolution: How Business Will Thrive and Earth Survive in Years to Come