"Palaeogeographic reconstructions of the Australian and Antarctic margins based on matching basement structures are commonly difficult to reconcile with those derived from ocean floor magnetic anomalies and plate vectors. Following identification of a previously unmapped crustal-scale structure in the southern part of the Delamerian Orogen (Coorong Shear Zone), a revised plate reconstruction for these margins is proposed. This reconstruction positions the Coorong Shear Zone opposite the Mertz Shear Zone and indicates that structural inheritance had a profound influence on the location and geometry of continental breakup, and ocean fracture development. Previously, the Mertz Shear Zone has been correlated with the Proterozoic Kalinjala Mylonite Zone in the Gawler craton but this means that Australia is positioned 300-400 km too far east relative to Antarctica prior to breakup. Differences in the orientation of late Jurassic-Cretaceous basin-bounding normal faults in the Bight and Otway basins further suggest that extensional strain during basin formation was partitioned across the Coorong Shear Zone following an earlier episode of strike-slip faulting on a northwest-striking continental transform fault (Trans-Antarctic Shear)" --Online abstract.
Radon is a radioactive gas of geologic origin that is an environmental concern because of its link to lung cancer.
Harrison , T.M. , Ryerson , F.J. , Le Fort , P. , Yin , A. , Lovera , O.M. & Catlos , E. ) . , 1997a . A Late Miocene - Pliocene origin for central Himalayan inverted metamorphism . Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 146 , E1 - E8 .
Deszcz - Pan , M. , Rodriguez , B.D. , Doucette , J.P. , Godbout , M. , Williams , J.M. , Sawyer , D.A. , Stone , B.D. , and Grauch , V.J.S. , 2000 , Digital airborne time domain electromagnetic data ...
Tectonic Evolution of the Sarektjåkkå Nappe, Northern Swedish Caledonides
Indoor-radon levels in the Beaver basin of southwestern Utah are the highest recorded to date in Utah.
The Early Palaeozoic orogenic belt of the Andes in southwestern South America : result of Laurentia - Gondwana collision ? ... In : WILSON , J. L. & DERBY , J. R. ( eds ) The Great American Carbonate Bank . American Association of ...
In this volume, Patrick Nunn outlines how each of the main island groups originated then gives detailed accounts - much from his own research -- - of islands in Fiji, Samoa and Tonga.