Little Mouse has lots to do ... and quite a lot of things he'd rather not do! A day in the life of a toddler is a busy one -- as all parents know -- and Little Mouse's day is no exception. Between getting dressed, going to childcare, eating dinner, and making time for splashing in puddles, Little Mouse has a lot to do ... and a lot to say 'no' to! This warm and humorous picture book from well-loved Finnish author/illustrator Riikka Jäntti introduces Little Mouse -- a small kid with a big personality -- who parents and childen will relate to instantly. In Little Mouse, everyday life combines with the wonder of early childhood to produce a captivating story that's sure to become a read-aloud favourite.
Every season of the year, "such a little mouse" pops out of his hole and goes out to explore the wider world. Praise for Such a Little Mouse: * "The book begins in spring.
. . How will Little Mouse stop the bear from eating his freshly picked, red ripe strawberry? This classic story is beloved for its humor, expressive illustrations, and surprise ending--pure read-aloud fun!
When little mouse accepts the cat's invitation to play, he doesn't know what kind of game the cat really has in mind. "A splendid picture book with brilliantly colored and expressive illustrations, funny and exciting."--Horn Book.
One day while an old hermit is resting in the meadow, an owl flies by, dropping its prey, a little mouse, right into the old man's hands. Surprised and delighted,...
A boy searches for a singing mouse and makes a promise to the white-footed mouse he captures that if the animal sings it will be freed.
Little Mouse gets dressed to go to the barn with his mother, brothers, and sisters.
Little Mouse, Biddle mouse has the run of the house.
As Busy Little Mouse hurries outside to play, children are introduced to his many farmyard playmates, and their unique way of communicating with Busy Little Mouse.
Fun sound-effects and whimsical music help tell the adventurous tale of "The Brave Little Mouse.
The Little Mouse: 25 Words