Facing the Tiger: A Survivorship Guide for Men with Prostate Cancer and their Partners

Facing the Tiger: A Survivorship Guide for Men with Prostate Cancer and their Partners
Facing the Tiger
Health & Fitness
Australian Academic Press
Suzanne Chambers AO


“The road ahead is yours to travel. Parts of the future may seem clear, some of it will be uncertain, either way, it belongs to you. We can’t always choose what comes our way. But we can choose how we respond.” It’s tough living with a diagnosis of prostate cancer. While the disease has one of the highest survival rates of any cancer, the side-effects of treatment can be life-long and take a heavy toll on men’s mental health. Of the more than 3.7million men globally who are living in the aftermath of a diagnosis, many will experience anxiety and depression, sometimes long-term. Not all will seek help for their mental health needs. So too for those who know them and love them – life is often never the same. This book will give you practical strategies to manage stress and anxiety, improve health and wellbeing, navigate tough challenges, and to find a sense of ease about the situation in which you find yourself. Written by one of the world’s foremost experts in the psychology of cancer, it is structured so that you can choose whatever chapter seems most relevant to your present situation. First released in 2013, it has been updated with new contributions and additional chapters for this new edition. The book shares personal stories and insights from men and their partners in plain-speaking style, offering emotional comfort and inspiration. While your experience of prostate cancer is uniquely your own, Facing the Tiger reveals the wisdom of others who have already walked the path.

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