Discerning the Dynamics of Jeremiah 25-52 (MT)

Discerning the Dynamics of Jeremiah 25-52 (MT)
Mark O'Brien


This is the second of a two-volume study of the dynamics of the MT version of the Book of Jeremiah. The first volume, published in 2017, analyzed chapters 1-25 and this volume will focus on chapters 25-52 of the MT version. As with the first volume, the aim of this one is to show the reader how, by paying attention to the 'Dynamics of the Text', namely how individual passages relate to their immediate and wider contexts, a new understanding of the book emerges. Rather than a loose collection of material assembled over a period of time by a variety of hands, one can discern how the parts of the book combine to portray the dramatic unfolding of Jeremiah's prophetic vocation, and how his relationship with God and God's people form an integral part of the book's presentation of the Word of God.

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