A collection of journalist Michele Landsberg's Toronto Star columns, where she was a regular columnist for more than twenty-five years between 1978 and 2005. Michele has chosen her favorite and most relevant columns, using them as a lens to reflect on the the second wave of feminism and the issues facing women then and now. An icon of the feminist movement and a hero to many, through her writing and activism Michele played an important role in fighting for the rights of women, children, and the disenfranchised. Her insights are as powerful for the generation of women who experienced the second wave as for the rising tide of young feminists taking action today.
This is how I would describe The Writing Revolution.
... if he (also used for o in (also used for l in foreign names) foreign names) Some trlconsonantal signs r m Some dctermirmthv'cs woman 51 A} or ,3 4» A king, god queen, goddess eye, seeing walk, run 71¢ 'Ki 0 '3 fish horse tree house, ...
Writing the Revolution challenges the thesis that exclusion defined women's experiences of the French Revolution by exploring the life of a middle-class wife and mother of revolutionary elites, Rosalie Jullien.
" This book explores the many dualities of Heine's nature, bringing to life a fully dimensional character while also casting into sharp relief the reasons his writing and personal story matter urgently today.
“Ivan Turgenev to A. S. Suvorin, June 9, 1876” in A. V. Knowles (ed.), TurgenevVs Letters (New York, 1983), 223. See also Patrick Waddington, Turgenev and George Sand: An Improbable Entente (London, 1981).
Walking on Water is a startling and provocative look at teaching, writing, creativity, and life by a writer increasingly recognized for his passionate and articulate critique of modern civilization.
Situating the history of escuelitas within the contexts of modernization, progressivism, public education, the Mexican Revolution, and immigration, Reading, Writing, and Revolution traces how the proliferation and decline of these community ...
The French Revolution stirred a bitter debate in Britain concerning the nature of civil society and the political nation. This is an original and lively study of the efforts of...
This comprehensive volume examines the relationship between revolutionary politics and the act of writing in modern South Asia.
This book brilliantly explores the forging of the revolutionary self in a study that speaks to the evolution of the individual in mass movements of our own time.