Persona Non Grata: Breaking the Bond : Fiji and New Zealand 2004-2007

Persona Non Grata: Breaking the Bond : Fiji and New Zealand 2004-2007
Michael Green


"The account by (the late) Michael Green, NZ High Commissioner in Fiji of his time and role in Fiji until the surprising announcement of his change in diplomatic status to 'Persona Non Grata' (unwelcome person) in 2007. It is a gritty and insightful analysis of the political events leading up to the 2006 military coup lead by Commodore Frank Bainimarama which established him as interim president - a position he still holds in 2013. It is also a valuable account of the relationship of long standing that has existed between New Zealand and Fiji and it provides insights into the challenges that Fiji and Pacific Island nations are facing, internally and in relation to the world around them"--Publisher information.

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