Fearful Master

Fearful Master
Promontory Press Incorporated
Arthur Lawrence


America is at war in several Middle Eastern states and anti-Muslim sentiment is everywhere. Jason Currie, a Canadian intelligence analyst, has been assigned to SECOR, Homeland Security's far more powerful replacement. Because of his Lebanese background, Jason is falsely detained with innocent Muslims, but is rescued by is SECOR superior, General Hawk. While on assignment, Jason discovers that his childhood friend Nabil "Bil" Maron is too compliant with the Administration's hard-right policies. Meanwhile, Miriam, Bil's sister, Jason's ex-lover, and an ardent protestor, has fled to Gaudalajara. Upon their return to LA, Hawk sends Jason to Mxico to lure Miriam back but, before he can help her, Jason is held captive, and is forced to confront the dark and covert world of US anti-terrorism.

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