You know you need to save and invest towards financial independence, to "end work" on your terms. You know you should protect yourself and your loved ones in case your work ends prematurely, whether by death or disability. Both goals require you to spend money on financial products. Up to now, in seeking financial advice, you have had two choices: 1.You could trust a financial advisor to always have your best interest in his recommendations, and so do your financial planning on blind faith; or 2.You could become a DIY financial planner, spending enormous effort and energy, and making a lot of mistakes. Now you have a third choice. You can invest in your financial literacy with this book. This option is for people who are not satisfied with option 1, but do not really want to pursue option 2, because you have better things to do with your precious time. With option 3 you will still need to use the services of financial professionals. But a modest degree of financial literacy will make you a more knowledgeable buyer of financial services. You will be better able to smell a rat, when the greatest thing since sliced bread is being pitched. And you may even be able to tell when you are getting your money's worth from the fees you pay for money management. You are not going to read this book because you want to. You are going to read this book because you need to. You may have been ripped off by today's financial industry. Or you may just be frustrated because you do not even know if you are being ripped-off. So invest a couple of hours of your time to learn what you need to know to ensure your financial security. Then you can get back to your better things to do, or at least to a good book that you do want to read.