Can racism and intimacy co-exist? Can love and friendship form and flourish across South Africa's imposed colour lines? Who better to engage on the subject of hazardous liaisons than the students Jonathan Jansen served over seven years as Vice Chancellor of the University of the Free State, in South Africa. The context is the University campus in Bloemfontein, the City of Roses, the Mississippi of South Africa. Rural, agricultural, insular, religious and conservative, this is not a place for breaking out. But over the years, Jansen observed shifts in campus life and noticed more and more openly interracial friendships and couples, and he began having conversations with these students with burning questions in mind. Ten interracial couples tell their stories of love and friendship in their own words, with a focus on how these students experience the world of interracial relationships, and how flawed, outdated laws and customs set limits on human relationships, and the long shadow they cast on learning, living and loving on university campuses to this day.
NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved; MSG are taken from THE MESSAGE. Copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, ...
Two Love Poems 1 When two people make love in a war-zone, they disarm the military. Soldiers suddenly lie down and dream of their wives. Silence is restored. Violence is broken. When two people make love in a slaughterhouse, ...
The combined violence and linearity of these images suggests a war zone , the " thunder " and " lightning , " the noise and flashes of artillery . In this work , Taggard gestures toward a distinctly historical context for the drama of ...
Leslie Kaplan. Make Love Make Love WHENEVER POSSIBLE WHEN WHENEVER POSSIBLE WHEN married with children married with children Make Love Make Love WHENEVER POSSIBLE WHEN WHENEVER POSSIBLE WHEN.
We were supporting not only this transvestite's right to exist but his right to look like a “sex-object' bimbo too. But hallelujah for it. ... They were, many felt, in the center of their own war zone. “Making love in the dean's ...
And making Dexter party to the deception. What kind of person was I? Adulterous, that's what kind. I put my husband on an airplane to a war zone and rush off to make love with a husband who belongs to someone else. But I didn't make ...
Kate McLoughlin's Authoring War is an ambitious and pioneering study of war writing across all literary genres from earliest times to the present day.
[Retrieved 29 April 2017] https:// South African History Online. 2017. 'Portuguese navigator Bartholomew Dias erects the first stone cross on the South African coast'.
Making Love in a War Zone: Interracial Loving and Learning After Apartheid. Johannesburg: Bookstorm. Lionnet, F. & S. Shi (eds.) (2011). The Creolization of Theory. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Mangcu, X. (2015).
Jansen, J.D., 2018, Making love in a war zone: Interracial living and learning, Bookstorm, Johannesburg. Jansen, J.D., 2020, “It is not even past”: Dealing with monuments and memorials on divided campuses', in B. Schmahmann, ...