Training Mules and Donkeys: A Logical Approach to Longears. Equine management and donkey training

Training Mules and Donkeys: A Logical Approach to Longears. Equine management and donkey training
Pets / Horses
Lucky Three Ranch
Meredith Hodges


This spiral bound manual provides an easy reference for equine owners on the care and feeding of longears, preventive care and housing of all equines, and donkey training from foal training to advanced horsemanship, including jumping, dressage, measuring for athletic potential, care and handling of jacks and equine massage for the beginner. It is duplicated and compiled from the workbooks associated with videotapes #8 through #10 of the Training Mules and Donkeys video series by Meredith Hodges. This manual serves a twofold purpose. First, it provides an economical solution for those who cannot afford to purchase the entire videotape series and secondly, it serves as a basis for a supplement to the video series that is translated for non-English speaking persons who wish to view the NTSC or PAL version of our videotape series. This manual has been translated and is available in French (1-928624-14-6), German (1-928624-15-4) and Spanish (1-928624-13-8). Go to for more information.

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