(Nielsen.) “22318. 'Giant Yellow.' Probably Amherst. “22413. Brown. “22319. Brown. “22414. Yellow. 'Similar to Acme.' (Nielsen.) “22320. Samarow. Like No. 17260. “22415. Giant yellow.” “22321. Probably Cloud. “Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc.
New Product–Documentation: E-mail sent by WholeSoy & Co. 2011. Jan. 26. “WholeSoy & Co. releases two new flavors.” “The Key Lime is a refreshingly tart and ...
Edamame: is the future of American soy farmers' profits in edible soy beans for people? ... History of Edamame, Green Vegetable Soybeans, and Vegetable-Type Soybeans (1275-2009): Extensively Annotated Bibliography and Sourcebook.
Product Name: Mrs. Cheng's Tofu. Manufacturer's Name: Cheng's (Mrs.) Soybean Products Inc. Manufacturer's Address: 1829 E. Palolo Ave., Honolulu, Oahu, HI 96816. Date of Introduction: 1978. December. New Product—Documentation: Shurtleff ...
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The contributing authors of Understanding the Japanese Food and Agrimarket discuss broad forces that affect markets in Japan and specific situations faced in marketing grain, livestock, and seafood products; fruits; vegetables; and wood ...
Hesseltine, C.W.; Smith, Mabel; Bradle, Barbara; Ko Swan Djien. 1963. Investigations of tempeh ... A satisfactory laboratoryscale fermentation is described based on a 20 to 24-hour fermentation of dehulled beans with R. oligosporus.
How to start your own tofu shop or soy dairy on any of seven scales, from a community or village shop to a modern factory. This book has been used to start over 700 shops in the Western world. Over 430 informative illustrations; 336 pages.
From the authors of THE BOOK OF TOFU comes this updated tribute to miso.
Hesseltine, C.W.; Camargo, R. de; Rackis, J.J. 1963. ... Hesseltine, C.W.; Smith, Mabel; Bradle, Barbara; Ko Swan Djien. 1963. ... fermentation is described based on a 20 to 24-hour fermentation of dehulled beans with R. oligosporus.