In: Martin S. Peterson and Donald K. Tressler, eds. 1965. Food Technology the World Over. Vol. II. South America, Africa and the Middle East, Asia. Westport, Connecticut: AVI Publishing Co., Inc. ix + 414 p. See p. 35994. Illust. Index.
Letter (e-mail) to William Shurtleff at Soyinfo Center ... Timberlake, Sean. 2011. SFoodies 92: No. 10. Oboro Tofu at Eiji (Web article).
Evan's recollection is that Paul Hawken's trip to Japan was more to study the language and culture, but he did work on Erewhon business while he was there. Moreover, he returned from Japan after about 9 months to work at Erewhon.
William Shurtleff, Akiko Aoyagi. HISTORY OF FERMENTED TOFU - A HEALTHY NONDAIRY / VEGAN CHEESE (1610-2011): EXTENSIVELY ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SOURCEBOOK Including Various Names and Types: Sufu, Red Fermented Tofu, Bean Cheese, ...
William Shurtleff, Akiko Aoyagi. HISTORY OF UNCOMMON FERMENTED SOYFOODS (379 AD to 2012): EXTENSIVELY ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SOURCEBOOK Including: Soybean Wine, Cantonese Wine Starter, Soy Ogi, Soy Dhokla, Soy Dosa / Dosai, ...
History of Koji - Grains And/or Soybeans Enrobed with a Mold Culture (300 BCE To 2012): Extensively Annotated Bibliography and...