The world's most comprehensive, well documented, and well illustrated book on this subject. With extensive index, 150 color photographs and illustrations. Free of charge in digital PDF format on Google Books.
Origin and early history of peanut butter: 1884–2015. Lafayette, CA: Soyinfo Center. Sinclair, Upton. 2005. The jungle. Clatton, DE: Prestwick House. Smith, Andrew F. 2009. Eating history: 30 turning points in the making of American ...
History of Soybeans and Soyfoods in South America (1884-2009): Extensively Annotated Bibliography and Sourcebook
Draws on interviews, research, and travels in the peanut-growing regions of the South to discuss the history of peanut butter, its manufacture from the 1890s to the present, and its cultural, nutritional, and molecular evolution.
Describes how peanut butter is made, from the cultivation of peanuts through filling the jars with nutty spread.
Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit
In this extraordinary book, Adelle Davis, the nation's most highly regarded nutritionist, advises the millions who suffer from illness how to select the best foods that contain the most needed nutrients for repairing and rebuilding a sick ...
Adventism survived her crisis, too, though at the cost of her right arm and the imposition of “the worst evil.” Yet, she assured us that the story wasn’t over. “The omega would follow in a little while.
Product Name: Mrs. Cheng's Tofu. Manufacturer's Name: Cheng's (Mrs.) Soybean Products Inc. Manufacturer's Address: 1829 E. Palolo Ave., Honolulu, Oahu, HI 96816. Date of Introduction: 1978. December. New Product—Documentation: Shurtleff ...
In The Kelloggs, Howard Markel tells the sweeping saga of these two extraordinary men, whose lifelong competition and enmity toward one another changed America’s notion of health and wellness from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth ...
From corn flakes to pancakes, Breakfast: A History explores this “most important meal of the day” as a social and gastronomic phenomenon.