The world's most comprehensive, well documented, and well illustrated book on this subject. With extensive subject and geographical index. 76 photographs and illustrations - mostly color. Free of charge in digital format on Google Books.
Ballière Tindall. Nursoy (made by Wyeth Laboratories, Radnor, Pennsylvania) is known as Wysoy in the UK. It is an infant formula based on soy protein isolate. Dorothy E.M. Francis. 1984. “Alternatives to Cow's Milk: Comparisons.” p.
The world's most comprehensive, well documented, and well illustrated book on this subject. With extensive subject and geographic index. 25 photographs and illustrations. Free of charge in digital PDF format on Google Books.
Bibliography of Soy Protein Isolates, Concentrates, and Textured Soy Protein Products: 2,528 References from 1883 to 1989, Partially Annotated
In this book, the authors study the production methods, functional properties and food sources of soy protein.