Tomiyama Taeko, a Japanese visual artist born in 1921, is changing the way World War II is remembered in Japan, Asia, and the world.
Imagination”: Reimagining. World. Christianity. without. Borders. Jonathan Y. Tan The title of this chapter takes its inspiration and starting point from Peter C. Phan's autobiographical essay “Betwixt and Between: Doing Theology with ...
Despite its existential evidence and significance, imagination, often confused with fantasy, has been variously evaluated ... on the basis of imagination but imagination does not have to be either dangerously misleading or subjective, ...
An American anthropologist, Brian Keith Axel, has recently explored the limits of Anderson's model of the imagination. He suggests that the proposition '“all communities are imagined” seems compelled towards its own ethics of exclusion' ...
Printers like Jean de Tournes whose book production relied heavily on translation are thoroughly “without borders” in several senses. In this case, the Lyon printer's dual imagination – that is, his imagination of a single pan-European ...
While the exhibit tells the story of a fall of a wall, it sets firm limits to the wall's further destruction. More precisely, it tells the destruction myth in words, presenting a condensed, magical story for imagination, not for action.
She has an online store where she sells boxes, cards, apparel and home décor, sharing her art and imagination. No doubt, the box with a dragon from The Hobbit's tale is a dream gift for every Tolkien's fan. But if it isn't enough, ...
... Board on Books for the Young Award for the children's novel El profesor Ziper y la fabulosa guitarra eléctrica. He has been a professor at the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) in Mexico City, Yale University, ...
Perhaps it is, but it seems that this could be the case only if we were to stretch our imagination beyond Bocheński's, Kojève's, and Eschenburg's accounts. Viewed through the prism of Bocheński's understanding of authority, ...
Today in the West, it is still usually true that the artistic status of a potter falls well below that of a sculptor, and the status of a weaver, textile designer, or graphic artist below that of a painter. A theory meant to encompass ...