What does 2016, Chinese Year of the Monkey have in store for you? Will your family prosper? We all wonder about the future. This book is a comprehensive guide to what is coming up for you in 2016. Chinese Astrologer, Feng Shui Expert, and Author Donna Stellhorn's popular annual series of predictions and Feng Shui cures is now in its sixth year. She does the research and offers the most useful insights into the things you can do to change your luck in the areas of love, money, career and much more. Her instructions are based on thousand-year-old traditions and are easy to follow once you are aware of them. And they work! You can increase your good fortune, your good luck potential, and attract what you want into your life. Chinese Astrology 2016, Year of the Fire Monkey includes predictions for each Chinese Zodiac sign in the areas of: * Finding new love or supporting your existing relationship * Financial opportunities and career/job prospects * Home and family (as well as tips for increasing fertility energy) * Energy surrounding legal matters and education * You and your family's protection and safety, and much more! You'll have access to this comprehensive information, right at your fingertips! In Chinese Astrology 2016: Year of the Fire Monkey you will find more than just predictions. You'll find easy-to-follow guidelines to help you work with specific Feng Shui Cures for each individual Chinese Zodiac Sign. This book also contains: * Mercury Retrograde dates and tips * Solar and Lunar Eclipse dates and information * 2016 Flying Star predictions * How best to celebrate Chinese New Year, February 8, 2016, to bring in luck, love and prosperity energy This is the best book you will find that reveals forecasts for every aspect of your life in the coming year 2016. Chinese Astrology: 2016 Year of the Fire Monkey will be your invaluable tool on the way to reaching the next level of personal success and fulfillment. Author Donna Stellhorn has included two special bonus sections in her book. First, the bonus chapter on the 144 compatibility combinations in Chinese astrology can help you find out who you click with; and then you can discover tips about the best things to do when you want a relationship with someone to work out. Another chapter explores how to work with gemstones and crystals, and offers instructions on how to energetically clear gemstones and crystals. You can use this information to make the crystals and gemstones you already own more powerful and more effective. And there's an excellent excerpt from her book, Feng Shui Form, about how to use Feng Shui to enhance positive energy in your bedroom. Imagine yourself a year from now...you're at a party, talking to some people you've just met. They are frustrated and worried about their jobs, their relationships, and whether or not they will have the money they need in the future. You listen, but you're not sure what to say to them, because inside, you feel very happy and very blessed. Why? Because a year ago you took the time to review what was ahead for you. You took some simple steps to improve your situation. You took action to create positive luck for yourself and your loved ones. Now you are in a whole new place in your life. And it feels good! Get your copy of Chinese Astrology 2016, Year of the Fire Monkey now, and make the most of this opportunity to get ahead in your life!
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Judy Hall's Complete Crystal Workshop is interactive, practical, and includes a step-by-step learning program to guide you toward the profound wisdom within crystal lore.
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