Originally published: New York: Mysterious Press, 1993.
An Incident at Bloodtide
PART I London is in ruins, a once highly advanced city now a gated wasteland.
One evening, sitting on a bollard at the end of the dock, she started cursing—every salty phrase she'd learned in half a dozen languages. A potbellied little gringo stopped to watch her. He had a crippled arm, she saw, poor fellow.
‘Think Jack Reacher fronting Line of Duty’ Ian Rankin
What a terrific book' 'I caught myself holding my breath as I followed the characters avidly. This is definitely the series that keeps on giving and keeps getting better' 'A masterfully plotted and executed novel.
Tie into the May release of the new Mongo hardcover, An Incident at Bloodtide.
... This Archangel Sings The Cold Smell of Sacred Stone Second Horseman Out of Eden The Language of Cannibals In the House of Secret Enemies ( novellas ) The Fear in Yesterday's Rings Dark Chant in a Crimson Key An Incident at Bloodtide ...
... This Archangel Sings The Cold Smell of Sacred Stone Second Horseman Out of Eden The Language of Cannibals In the House of Secret Enemies ( novellas ) The Fear in Yesterday's Rings Dark Chant in a Crimson Key An Incident at Bloodtide ...
... This Archangel Sings The Cold Smell of Sacred Stone Second Horseman Out of Eden The Language of Cannibals In the House of Secret Enemies ( novellas ) The Fear in Yesterday's Rings Dark Chant in a Crimson Key An Incident at Bloodtide ...
George C. Chesbro. Turn the page to continue reading from the Mongo Series A MONGO MYSTERY GEORGE C. CHESBRO AN INCIDENT AT BLOODTIDE.