Gardening is now the favorite leisure pastime in America. Homeowners are realizing the health benefits derived from gardening and the increase in their home's property value. Book retailers are well aware that the trend in gardening books is to regional titles that provide credible information on the plants that perform well in specific regions. The Perfect Tennessee Lawn is written by the highly popular gardening expert Steve Dobbs. Lawns are the foundation of a great landscape. This series contains regional information on the best lawns for a southern landscape.
Césped: manual del cultivo y conservación
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Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars ( continued ) Cultivar Description Comments Challenger Glossy dark green with medium - fine Excellent resistance to leaf spot . Good resistance to dollar spot , stripe smut , texture and medium - high ...
Is your lawn supposed to be a pleasure? or a master? These are some of the questions addressed and answered in a short, targeted text of the NC WEED KILLER's strategy for lawn care and weed control.
How to grow grass.
A guide to lawn care provides tips, techniques, and advice for an attractive yard, covering such topics as mowing, weeding, fertilizing, and getting rid of pests.
Guidelines for selecting grass, installing a lawn, and keeping the lawn healthy and weed-free.
"Learn how to grow perfectly green and gorgeous grass without toxic chemicals and expensive lawn care treatments using methods in this compendium of thousands of lawn care tips, tricks, and tonics.
The Perfect Louisiana Lawn is written by the highly popular gardening expert Steve Dobbs. Lawns are the foundation of a great landscape. This series contains regional information on the best lawns for a southern landscape.
The Perfect Mississippi Lawn is written by the highly popular gardening expert Steve Dobbs. Lawns are the foundation of a great landscape. This series contains regional information on the best lawns for a southern landscape.