15,1929; m. Olive Louise, daughter of Hazel Amelia (Wells) and Frank Edwin Stevens, b.May 24,1929. ... 20,1888, and married in Washington, D.C. on May 8, 1918, Porter William Hopkins, son of Alice Mathis and Frank Hopkins, who was 148.
... and Virginia-Ann Botts. 32. John Minor Botts, born September 16, 1802, in Dumfries, Prince William County, died January 7, 1869 ; congressman, lawyer, author ; married Mary- Whiting, daughter of Archibald and Mary (Whiting) Blair.
"The material in this book is an abstract of, and index to, information reported by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution and published in their Annual Reports to the Smithsonian Institute, printed as Senate Documents ...
Die Einwohner von Nunkirchen, Biel, Büschfeld, Michelbach und Münchweiler vor 1904
This book presents a lot of information about one of the oldest areas of Virginia, starting with the Annals of Henrico Parish, whose history begins in 1611, when Sir Thomas Dale pushed upriver from Jamestown to found a second settlement, ...
Issue among others, Mary Herbert Cocke married Richard H. Smith (V. H. G. ), and Anne Hayes Cocke married his brother Alexander Hall Smith and Virginia Peterson Cocke married William Edward Smith, first cousin to Richard H. Smith.
McCOOK, JAMES B., m3, appointed 3rd Corp. 3-63, 2nd Corp. 7-63, d. in service. McADAMS, THOMAS, m3, c. Mine Run, 11-29-63, *. McCULLER, GEORGE W., m3, w. Wilderness, 5-6-64, *. MILLER, FRANCIS P., m3, d. 7-21-62. MILLER, HENRY G.
Transcript of the [date] Federal Census of Schoharie County, New York: 1800, 1810, and 1820 federal census
This book includes abstracts of marriage records, civil and criminal court records, probate records, birth records, and interesting articles from newspapers and local histories from the states indicated in the title.
This book includes abstracts of marriage records, civil and criminal court records, probate records, birth and death records, and interesting articles from newspapers and local histories from the states of Arizona and New Mexico.