Presenting the ancient Holy Grail lineage from Asia and how the Knights Templar were initiated into it, this book reveals how ancient Asian wisdom became the foundation for the Holy Grail legend.
The Mysteries of the Holy Grail are finally revealed. The secret history of the Holy Grail and its connection to the Knights Templar, John the Baptist, Jesus and Mary Magdalene, is presented in detail.
The first book to explore the significance of seven pre-Christian sites, which formed the route of a pilgrimage taken by the Druids, the Knights Templar and Christian mystics in their search for ultimate enlightenment.
The Grail Legend takes you back through the centuries to view an emerging family dynasty who may soon attempt to establish One-World goverment.
Painstakingly researched and thoroughly documented, The Templar Revelation presents a secret history, preserved through the centuries but encoded in works of art and even in the great Gothic cathedrals of Europe, whose final chapter could ...
Rosicrucian Manual, 5-7. Lewis, Rosicrucian Questions and Answers with Complete History of the Order. Ibid.. Copies of these documents can be found in a publication by AMORC entitled Important Documents of the Rosicrucian Order.
Roberts and Currie return to search for another of the Bible's lost treasures, the Holy Grail.
Throughout the centuries, it was a shrouded secret entrusted to a precious few.
A Brief History of the Holy Grail charts the origins of the grail story from early Christian gospels through to eastern mysticism and the rise of medieval romances and Arthurian legends.
This is the story of a plain silver chalice from the first century AD that now rests in the heart of England.
Not only bibliophiles will be charmed by this thoroughly enjoyable tale.’ BookMooch ‘Merging medievalist erudition, literary sleuthing and romantic comedy, Charlie Lovett’s The Lost Book of the Grail is an entertaining romp the well ...