The bestselling Diagnostic Imaging series now includes a comprehensive reference devoted to oncology. Written and edited by renowned experts in radiology, oncology, and body imaging, this book sets a new standard in cancer imaging references.
This lavishly illustrated operative atlas consists of detailed, step-by-step descriptions of the procedures used in reconstruction of the female urinary tract from the kidney to the urethra.
This book is a concise guide to ordering radiology tests for diagnosis and treatment and provides best practice guidelines for patients whose management depends on a clinical question that is best approached through imaging.
... higher n-BCA concentration (e.g., 1:2) solidifies faster □ Proportion mixture concentration according to ... with embolization of neoplasms Altun I et al: Blood-derived biomaterial for catheter-directed arterial embolization.
The text is lavishly illustrated, delineated, and referenced, making it a useful learning tool as well as a handy reference for daily practice.
The text is lavishly illustrated, delineated, and referenced, making it a useful learning tool as well as a handy reference for daily practice.
Embodying the principle of 'everything you need but still easy to read', this fully updated edition of Core Radiology is an indispensable aid for learning the fundamentals of radiology and preparing for the American Board of Radiology Core ...
Written specifically for PTs, this book covers the most common film images you will see in your practice and introduces you to some of the not-so-common images.
... Ajay Tandan, Kavita Singh, Ian Renwick, Daniel Petty, Julie Cooper and Brook Adams, Consultant Radiologists from York Teaching Hospital NHS Trust; Daina Dambitis, Gavin Bainbridge, Debbie Scrimshaw, and Rob Evans, Radiographers, ...
Box 1-2: CT Findings of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage ○ Appearance: White on brain windows ○ Location: Localized or diffuse ❍ Sulci ❍ Fissures ❍ Ventricles ❍ Cisterns ○ Shape: Assumes shape of surroundings ○ Pearl: Suspect increased ...
338 Anconeus Epitrochlearis AndrewSonin, MD, FACR 340 Posterior Impingement, Elbow LIGAMENTOUS PATHOLOGY WRIST Julia R. Crim, MD 438 Intrinsic Ligament Tear, Wrist NEUROPATHIES Carol L. Andrews, MD and Donna G. Blankenbaker, ...