Cultural differences among members of any group-be it a multinational business team or an international family-are frequently the source of misunderstanding and can lead to conflict. With powerful techniques for resolving or at least reducing conflicts, scholars and teachers from around the globe demystify the intricate and important relationship between conflict and culture. Stories, which are at the heart of the book, come from a wide variety of groups and locations, and they give sound counsel for all kinds of settings: business, law, government, non-governmental agencies, schools, communities and families. Conflict across Cultures is written by a new generation of conflict resolution scholars from four parts of the world: Canada, South Africa, Japan and the US. They describe processes and help build the skills necessary for successful conflict resolution. Here is a new framework for understanding others-a map for making progress through differences that can otherwise overwhelm us. Conflict across Cultures offers hope in countering the view that differences must divide us.
The book explores divergent theories of social conflict and differing strategies that shape the conduct of diplomacy, and examines the role that culture has (and has not) played in conflict resolution.
Boucher , Jerry , Dan Landis , and Karen Arnold Clark . 1987. Ethnic Conflict : International Perspectives . Beverly Hills , Calif .: Sage . Bourdieu , Pierre . 1979. Algeria 1960. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press .
Lederach blends a special training method in mediation with a tradition derived from his work in development. Throughout the book, he uses anecdote and pertinent experiences to demonstrate his resolution techniques.
London: McGraw-Hill. Cropanzano, R., Goldman, B. & Folger, R. (2003). Deontic justice: The role of moral principles in workplace fairness. Journal of Organizational Behavior 24(8), 1019–1024. Croucher, S.M., Oommen, D., Hicks, M.V., ...
Stella Ting-Toomey, John G. Oetzel. Oetzel, J. G. (1998a). Culturally homogeneous and heterogeneous groups: Explaining communication processes through individualismcollectivism and selfconstrual. International Journal of Intercultural ...
This volume's central purpose is to provide a clearly written, scholarly exploration of cultural variation regarding conflict resolution and in so doing, highlight certain alternatives to violence.
Duane Elmer offers a thorough and practical handbook for conflict resolution across Asian, Hispanic, African and Western cultures.
In this book, Vanessa Barros goes beyond individual views of 'professionalism' to provide effective strategies to resolve intercultural conflict. Foreword by 2015 Nobel Prize-Winner Ouided Bouchamaoui
Culturally intelligent people can do three things to reduce or eliminate process losses and to capitalize on diversity: (a) manage the environment of the group, (b) allow culturally diverse groups to develop, and (c) foster cultural ...
"This much needed book . . .is a creative, helpful, and hopeful contribution at a time when we are especially challenged to bridge cultures in the pursuit of mutual understanding...