Baumgardner, G. D. (2002) Debunking the myths of online education. In Chambers, J. A. (Ed), Selected papers from the 13th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, 27-41. Jacksonville, FL, US: Florida Community College ...
Tobin , H. , Hull , P. , & Wise , P. ( 1979 ) . The purpose of staff development : Components for change . St. Louis : Mosby . Trochim , W. M. K. ( 2001 ) . The research methods knowledge base ( 2nd ed . ) . Cincinnati , OH : Atomic Dog ...
Written by a team of leading international researchers under the guidance of Frank Durso, the second edition of the Handbook of Applied Cognition brings together the latest research into this challenging and important field, and is ...
Resources in Education
This collection of papers, consisting of 39 delegate contributions and three keynote articles from “New directions in telecollaborative research and practice: the second conference on telecollaboration in higher education” hosted by ...
Although online courses have seen a surge in popularity, many argue telecourses will continue to be popular as long as ... There is a lack of national figures for the number of telecourse students, but Michael Fregale at the PBS Adult ...
She has a master's degree in Bilingual/ELL Education and B.A. in English. Her research focuses primarily upon computer-assisted language learning, cross-cultural psychology, and teachers' awareness of development and cultural studies.
This volume examines what positive psychology offers to our understanding of key issues in working life today.
14th International Conference, ICTERI 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine, May 14-17, 2018, Revised Selected Papers Vadim ... of the innovative educational program through the development of learning modules (Table 1) for university courses and ...
Featuring a wide range of topics such as higher education, teacher education, and learning strategies, this book is ideal for educators, instructional designers, academicians, researchers, and students.