Author: Ken Retallic - Comprehensive guide to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. Extensive maps and hatch charts.
An introduction to the national park best known for its dramatic thermal features.
CHAPTER SEVEN The Debate For the purposes of this book , we would prefer to concentrate on the process by which the story was questioned rather than on its universal spread from modest park publications to such public forums as a 1963 ...
These first two books in this new series help families plan their vacations in Yellowstone National Park and in Utah’s “Big Five” national parks (Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Bryce Canyon, and Zion)—so that everyone has a ...
Discover the incredible highlights, history, geology & nature of Yellowstone National Park with this entertaining, educational, point-by-point Waypoint Tour complete with park insider stories, breathtaking photography & detailed tour maps.
Below is the Reading Levels Guide for this book: Grade Levels: 3-6 Accelerated Reader Reading Level: 5.8 Accelerated Reader Points: 3 Accelerated Reader Quiz Number: 135934 Lexile Measure: 920 Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Level: Q ...
Yellowstone National Park is mostly in Wyoming, with some of the park in Montana and Idaho. Hike to learn about the trails, springs, geysers, and wildlife in this national park.
Geology, history, and things to do in the park, as well as puzzles and games about Yellowstone National Park.
The book includes interpretive text and extra-heavy, perforated paper for coloring eight postcards and four bookmarks to share with family and friends.
Historic Yellowstone National Park captures the most interesting moments in the park’s history, the slices of life in Montana and Wyoming that provide an idea of what life was like for those who chose to explore this gloriously beautiful ...
... 16, 318 McGonnegal, Mr.___, 225, 226 McKenzie, ___ (stage agent), 212 McKenzie,Alex, 226 McKenzie, P. B., 351 McLaurin, Lt.___, 121 McLean,Wendall, 142 McMillion, Scott, 72 McPherren, Ida Miller, 209 McPherson,Johnny (stagedriver), ...