Young Las Vegas: 1905-1931: Before the Future Found Us

Young Las Vegas: 1905-1931: Before the Future Found Us
Las Vegas (Nev.)
Stephens Press, LLC
Joan Burkhart Whitely


The Las Vegas we know was conceived -- if anybody really conceived it -- in 1931, when Nevada liberalised its divorce and gambling laws, which would ultimately transform the city into America's playground for grown-ups. It was also the year an unprecedented engineering project began, that would turn the Colorado River from a wild killer stream to a wild reservoir that waters not only California vegetables but also sprawling Las Vegas suburbs. From 1905 to 1931, Las Vegas was still a tiny oasis in a big, dangerous desert. Its isolated people made their own swamp coolers, their own entertainment and sometimes their own whiskey. The author, Joan Burkhardt Whitely, enlisted older Las Vegans to help capture the memories of a Mojave Mayberry where neighbours took care of each other, not merely because no one else would, but because it was their hometown, and they cared.

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