This volume investigates some of the most visible issues in American politics today, including gay marriage and race, along with ongoing concerns that often fly below the radar of the mass media, such as healthcare and homelessness. The book uncovers and explores the political motivations, effectiveness, and interplay of organized religious interests as they confront public problems in their local communities.
embodies Asian ontic and experiential intensity . Situating onself in the Asian discernment of the Christic mystery , one interprets the intent of the question as ' dis - covering the already operative Christology in Asia rather than ...
Gallup , George Jr. , and D. Michael Lindsay . ... Green , John Clifford , Mark J. Rozell , and Clyde Wilcox , eds . ... Guth , James L. , John C. Green , Corwin E. Smidt , Kyman A. Kellstedt , and Margaret M. Poloma .
A New and Unsettling Force: Reigniting Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 's Poor People's Campaign
Theology for Mercy
Scriven , Charles . The Transformation of Culture . Scottsdale : Herald , 1988 . Shenk , David W. and Ervin R. Stutzman . Creating Communities of the Kingdom : New Testament Models of Church Planting . Scottsdale : Herald , 1988 .
The vicar , Gerald Perkins , is not surprised that Henry has lost his faith . He was almost expecting it , and is not discouraged , whilst recognizing how painful it is for Henry . Henry's faith had been in a vengeful , punishing God ...
永不震動的國: 臺灣基督教信仰與基督徒問題總探索
永不止息的愛與公義: 臺灣基督教信仰與基督徒問題總探索
In response to a layman's query as to whether voting resolutions on matters of public policy by religious institutions constituted a violation of the principle of separation of church and state ...
" ... a rich compendium of critical insights and practical pointers for 'theologising', interpreting the Bible and building Gospel communities in contemporary urban environment."--Back cover.