You Let Some GIRL Beat You?: The Story of Ann Meyers Drysdale

You Let Some GIRL Beat You?: The Story of Ann Meyers Drysdale
Biography & Autobiography
Behler Publications
Ann Meyers Drysdale, Joni Ravenna


Ann Meyers Drysdale is still the only woman ever to sign a no cut contract with the NBA. Time Magazine recently called her one of "The Top Ten Female Sports Pioneers of All Time." The first 4-time All American ever, man or woman; Ann won a silver medal in the '76 Olympics before bringing UCLA women their one and only Championship. The only woman ever invited to compete in ABC's Men's Superstars, today Ann is the only female VP on the only operation side of the NBA and an award-wining broadcaster who has worked for over thirty years with nearly every major television network But her meteoric rise wasn't without controversy. The press skewered her '79 NBA Pacers bid, while the first Professional Women's Basketball League accused her of "shamming herself" and slighting her sisters. Ann simply wanted to play basketball. And she wanted to play with the best. The first girl to play in an all-boy after school sports program, Ann later tried out for the boy's high school basketball team while parents screamed, "You're letting some girl beat you?" and classmates questioned her sexuality; but Ann refused to be held down. From becoming the first female to get a full athletic scholarship to a Division I school, to her historic NBA bid, Ann's memoris never let up, yet her athletic career is only half the story. She would endure the loss of a brother and a sister, and the untimely death of the only man she ever loved, Dodger great, Don Drysdale, leaving her with three young children to raise. Still, through it all, she continued to break ground. Book jacket.

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