Core Curriculum for Legal Nurse Consulting - Thirteenth Edition
***Includes Practice Test Questions*** CLNC Exam Secrets helps you ace the Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Exam, without weeks and months of endless studying.
This volume allows nurses to bridge the gap from their clinical experience to the unfamiliar territory of the legal world, with practical advice on topics including tactics for being cross-examined in the courtroom and investigative and ...
Legal Nurse Consulting: Scope and Standards of Practice
Our comprehensive LNCC Exam Secrets study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test.
Somehow, in that crowded convention hall, my husband Tom found me refilling my cup with healthygreentea.Hetookmyhandandled me away, telling me, “Skip your next session; there'ssomeoneyoumustmeet.”Thatsomeone turned out to be Matt.
In-hospital triage of perinatal patients in the United States is regulated by federal law, the Emergency Medical ... (2000) state that the most common areas of claims regarding telephone triage in the outpatient setting are a failure to ...
You want to do your best. By buying this book, you have made a great investment in increasing your knowledge. The information in this book is applicable to any type of healthcare expert witness.
Are you feeling blah or down, with nothing inside to give? Is your tank empty or even just plain yucky? If so, you are not alone; in fact, you're actually in the majority. You don't know why you feel like this, but man, it's an awful ...
Nurse Practitioner's Business Practice and Legal Guide