Mining in Western North Carolina played an important economic role in the state's history, but little has been recorded about the industry. The history books are filled with articles about frontier life, trade with Native Americans, railroad and road construction, the Civil War, and large mining operations, but history has taken individual mines for granted, and most records that still exist are found in land records. This book tells the story of how North Carolina miners and mines have arrived at where they are today.
Vermont Mines and Mineral Localities
Minerals and Energy in Australia
Wissenswertes über wichtige Rohstoffe, ihre Entdeckung, Gewinnung, Verarbeitung und Verwendung, dargestellt in Bild und Wort. (ab 10).
A history of the San Juan Mountains mining region and the town of Silverton, Colorado--Preface.
Low - grade ores have been reported from quartz veins in the Kojak - Amran range of the Quetta - Pishin district , and as disseminations in the Tertiary syenites of western Baluchistan . India's imports of copper and brass for the pre ...
Larry Buchanan, a world-renowned geologist, discovers an enormous deposit of silver beneath a remote Quechua village in Bolivia and unwittingly fulfills a 400-year-old prophecy that promised a life of wealth for the villagers.
Zonguldak kömür havzası: İnsan, mekan, zaman
Diggings & Doings in Park City
Estadística Minera y Metalúrgica de España ( 1861-1936 ) : Dirección General de Minas . Madrid . Ezquerra del Bayo , J. ( 1844 ) ... Ferrero Blanco , M. D. ( 1994 ) : Capitalismo minero y resistencia rural en el suroeste andaluz .
Scott and Rico find a map to long-lost treasure - $250,000 buried in Bolton 's mine. But when the school bully steals their map and heads for the old mine, the race is on.