The search for happiness is quintessentially human—a concept that has no bearing on any other creature on earth yet figures foremost among our deepest desires. In the realm of hard science, the journey to happiness is still in its infancy; the final destination, uncertain. The Happiness Trip is a lucid and passionate approach to the science of happiness and its conditioning factors: emotions, stress, hormonal flows and aging, as well as the social, economic, cultural and religious aspects associated with the emotion. "We have set out on the unknown waters of our potential happiness with no previous knowledge, no maps. There are no models in nature. It is only recently that the scientific community developed technical instruments to measure the impact of emotions and stress. These have given rise in turn to the search for happiness, which immediately burst onto the field of scientific analysis."
Happy: 快樂人生的44堂課
The book bridges the gap between happiness and sustainable social change, providing a guide for students to increase their literacy and knowledge about connections between a sense of well-being and systems change.
On Top of the World: An Elf-Travaganza Starring You!
In this book, Harvard psychologist Gilbert describes the foibles of imagination and illusions of foresight that cause each of us to misconceive our tomorrows and misestimate our satisfactions.
On how to feel and live happy in life.
Tình cờ gặp hạnh phúc
"Karen Karbo's hilarious feminist manifesto about swearing off self-improvement and owning and appreciating our flawed human selves"--
Wellbeing and Policy
Robert C. Larson, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Edward H. Pauley, Jack Countryman. Happiness Is ... Copyright © 1995 by Word Publishing , Inc. All rights reserved . No part of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrieval ...