Complex information on six trailblazing early childhood theorists made accessible for child care providers and educators.
5 double - page pop - ups and tab - operated mechanicals . OCLC 26603116. Also : London , Heinemann Young Books . OCLC 26302565 . A child's hymns and prayers in living pictures . By Lillian Ryder . Radcliffe - Howarth , illustrator .
In D. Strickland & L. M. Morrow ( Eds . ) , Emerging literacy : Young children learn to read and write ( pp . 16–26 ) . GOODMAN , K. ( 1986 ) . What's whole in whole language . Portsmouth , NH : : Heinemann . GOODMAN , K. ( 1991 ) .
Filipek , P.A. , Accardo , P.J. , Ashwal , S. , Baranek , G.T. , Cook , E.H. , Jr. , Dawson , G. , Gordon , B. , Gravel , J.S. , Johnson , C.P. , Kallen , R.J. , Levy , S.E. , Minshew , N.J. , Ozonoff , S. , Prizant , B.M. , Rapin , I.
Badgley , R. F. , Allard , H. A. , Proudfoot , P. M. , Ogilvie , D. , Gelinas , P. M. , Sutherland , S. , McCormick , N. , Fortin , D. , Rae - Grant , Q. , & Pepin , L. ( 1984 ) . Sexual offences against children ( catalogue J2-50 ...
BRUUN , R. , SHAPIRO , A. , SHAPIRO , E. , SWEET , R. , WAYNE , H. , and SOLOMON , G. E. A follow - up of 78 patients with Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome , American Journal of Psychiatry , 1976 , 33 ( 8 ) , 944 .
Projections of Education Statistics to 2008
Human Remolding in North Korea offers a comprehensive overview of the historical development of education in North Korea from 1945 through 2004.
What Lakoff and Johnson call the conduit metaphor is a good illustration of a root metaphor that formulates thoughts and actions within prescribed, rote, and unreXective patterns. Examples they offer of how speakers of English use this ...
... 也就是國境內有多數的民族並存或對抗的國家,如美國'其國內除英格魯撒克遜人以夕* '還有黑人、黃種人等等的民族存在的多元化社會所形成的美利堅合眾國。美國可以說是各民族的大熔爐'如魏德曼( Wa1tWhitman )所說的:「美國不是一個民族'而是由許多民族 ...