This book provides a balanced approach to exorcism and the demonic. It is a helpful instrument of pastoral care for such times when a pastor encounters the need for performing an exorcism. Pastor Gagnon explores the scriptural and early Church background and response to the demonic, as well as the pastoral discernment and the use of the sacraments in relation to exorcism. Included are two rites of renunciation, two rites of exorcism, and a rite for the exorcism and blessing of a dwelling. Additional prayers and blessings are included as helps in the battle. The book also serves as an alert to the manifold ways in which evil may work in the human heart.
The Devil and Karen Kingston
The Devil and Karen Kingston
“It‟s complicated Perry, to be sure,” said the priest. “Yes,” Perry Smith answered. “Henry David Wells?” asked Perry. “A great and misunderstood author,” the priest answered. “Yes,” Smith said, snottily. “So he is not Stephen King,” ...
The Exorcist Tradition in Islam
There is freedom from the torment of the enemy!
The subject of the book could be a panacea for very many of our world's misfortunes.
The Great Grimoire of Pope Honorius
Exorzismus, oder, Liturgie zur Befreiung vom Bösen: Informationen und Beiträge zu einer notwendigen Diskussion in der katholischen Kirche
Be prepared to discover the incredible joy, power, healing and anointing that is yours as a child of God! This book leads you through the steps of preparation for the ministry of deliverance that awaits you.