This is the first of a regular compilation of arbitration awards in cases administered by the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) of the American Arbitration Association. The book features articles and commentaries by many leading figures in international arbitration and summaries of important court decisions concerning ICDR arbitration cases in the United States and enforcement of ICDR awards outside the United States. Featuring over a dozen ICDR awards with commentaries, the ICDR Awards & Commentaries also includes articles and casenotes from a prestigious group of authors.
Commentary on the ICDR International Rules, Article 1 [Scope of these Rules] --Commentary on the ICDR International Rules, Article 2 [Notice of Arbitration] --Commentary on the ICDR International Rules, Article 3 [Answer and Counterclaim] - ...
The AAA Handbook on Arbitration Practice assembles from Dispute Resolution Journal - the flagship publication of the American Arbitration Association - and other sources the latest thinking on arbitration and dispute resolution.
2006 ICSID Rules, Rule 39(4); Y. Derains & E. Schwartz, A Guide to the ICC Rules of Arbitration 37. 38. 299 (2005). See G. Born, International Commercial Arbitration 2632–35 (3d ed. 2021). 2021 ICC Rules, Art. 29 & App'x V; ...
This book, the first of its kind, provides parties opting for “private justice” with vital judicial reassurance on U.S. courts’ highly supportive posture in enforcing awards and its pronounced reluctance to intervene in the arbitral ...
Wise.262 Courts have also recognized that some deference must be given to the arbitrator in the manner in which the proceedings are conducted. In Murphy v. Wise, Mr. Justice Campbell stated: I was referred to the decision of Ellen ...
The arbitral tribunal's responsibilities and tasks often do not end when it has rendered it's award.
The second edition of Gary Born's International Commercial Arbitration is an authoritative 4,408 page treatise, in three volumes, providing the most comprehensive commentary and analysis, on all aspects of the international commercial ...
This book brings together the most frequently recurring of such “twilight” issues—so-called because all participants in the arbitral process, when facing them, find themselves “in the dark”—showing in each case where it is best ...
The particular value of the present compilation lies in the diversity of perspectives it presents.
This book explores these methods and identifies the latest trends in this exciting area of international law.