Brice Dellsperger's Body Double is the first monograph ever published on the artist's already cult film productions, with a long essay by art historian Marie Canet that addresses filmic remake, but also issues of models, gender politics, and representational chaos. Consisting in a large body of unpublished images, the book also invites the reader backstage--as in Kenneth Anger's Hollywood Babylon, after which this book is modeled--into the Dellspergian camp film factory, to get a closer look at the characters and personas that populate the Body Double series, and that are creations both of the artist and of his main performer and muse, Jean-Luc Verna. Co-published with Toastink Press
There was not, for example, a parallel discourse to the discourse on homosexuality in male prisons, despite the fact that knowledge about lesbianism among female convicts existed, as Kay Daniels and Joy Damousi have both pointed out.46 ...
Marcelo relata ainda mais : Apesar de a Bruna ter um sexo masculino , para mim ela é uma mulher , sua aparência é extremamente feminina , quem a conhece sabe que não estou mentindo . Considero - me homossexual mesmo não sendo passivo ...
Scholars and practitioners explore the phenomenon of female-to-male performers in 20 essays discussing drag king scenes, desire and the audience, and theory.
First Published in 2006. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
This is an expanded and updated version of Nan Goldin's seminal book The Other Side, originally published in 1993. There will be a revised introduction by Goldin, and for the first time the voices of those whose stories are represented.
This, the first part of the series to appear in English, is offered alongside an earlier Hirschfeld study of the "third sex" (the author's provisional term for gays and lesbians) as well as comprehensive notes and an informative afterword. ...
This volume consists of fifty articles, with a general introduction by the editors, explanatory head notes for each essay, and bibliographical suggestions for further research.