Introduction to Algebra
Elementary Algebra
Written by a leading expert, this book will help you if you are studying for an important exam or essay, or if you simply want to improve your knowledge.
Rigorous, self-contained coverage of determinants, vectors, matrices and linear equations, quadratic forms, more. Elementary, easily readable account with numerous examples and problems at the end of each chapter.
Basic Mathematics
This self-contained text covers sets and numbers, elements of set theory, real numbers, the theory of groups, group isomorphism and homomorphism, theory of rings, and polynomial rings. 1969 edition.
This book presents a readable and accessible introductory course in algebraic geometry, with most of the fundamental classical results presented with complete proofs.
With brevity, precision, and rigor, the work is an ideal choice for a standard one-semester course targeted primarily at math or physics majors. It is a valuable addition to the book collection of anyone who teaches or studies the subject.
A groundbreaking introduction to vectors, matrices, and least squares for engineering applications, offering a wealth of practical examples.
He incorporates a hands-on approach to proofs and connects algebra and geometry to various applications. The text focuses on linear equations, polynomial equations, and quadratic forms.