Raising important questions and offering more than 100 applicable solutions, this critical analysis examines the challenges facing African American males in today’s society. Providing a thorough investigation of educational issues, class struggles, absentee fathers, penal institutions, and the drug industry, the book condemns the standards and circumstances that have declared war on black men: Why is there such a disparity between punishments for crack and cocaine? Why is 91 percent of the African American prison population illiterate? What are the effects of rampant racial profiling? Further discussion evaluates the institutions that have helped African American men thrive and succeed, providing hope for the future.
He is adept at linking history, statistics and the writings of philosophers and economists to proffer forceful arguments. His book crackles." —The Washington Post "Mr. Buchanan, in this book, is positively fearless.
SET IN THE 1960s, the era of campus revolts, war protests, drugs and free love, State of Emergency follows the frenetic odyssey of Roger, a self-styled radical professor attempting to...
The incendiary untold story of Ireland’s response to the most significant public health emergency of the past century, woven from a wealth of original research and dozens of interviews with ministers, politicians, public health experts, ...
"Brilliantly researched, impeccably sourced, the story is told in an engaging style and with great analytical acuity. Here is a dire warning against the slide into authoritarianism.
Chapters progress from a general foundation in the U.S. legal system, to general types of laws, and then to the more specific types of laws affecting emergency services, covering the legal aspects of topics such as: Patient privacy ...
See Anna S. Brasch, Moderne – Regeneration – Erlösung. Der Begriff der 'Kolonie' und die weltanschauliche Literatur der Jahrhundertwende (Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2017). Haimel, Flüchtlingslager Wagna bei Leibnitz.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
This book explores these contemporary states of emergency.
In Permanent State of Emergency, Ryan Alford establishes that the ongoing failure to address human rights abuses is a symptom of the most serious constitutional crisis in American history.
Tasked with tracking down the arms dealer who masterminded attacks all over the world as a warning of things to come, agent Jericho Quinn and his team are led to South America.