There is Room at the Inn: Inns and B&Bs for Wheelers and Slow Walkers

There is Room at the Inn: Inns and B&Bs for Wheelers and Slow Walkers
Demos Medical Publishing
Candy B Harrington


Many wheelers and slow walkers interested in travel assume that inns and bed and breakfasts will be inconvenient, inaccessible, or unaccommodating. Candy Harrington debunks this myth in There is Room at the Inn: Inns and B&Bs for Wheelers and Slow Walkers. She shows that inns and B&B's can actually be more accessible than many hotels, and than inn staff and management are often personally invested in accommodating their guests. Through a combination of personal experience, on-site visits, and interviews with innkeepers and other travelers, Harrington has discovered the most friendly and accessible properties, and brings her expert recommendations to the reader. Harrington's list includes not just the most accessible inns, but those in which the staff and management are the most wheelchair-positive. She includes a variety of locations from every area of the country, and also based her selection on wheelchair accessible activities and attractions in the surrounding area. With her personal, engaging style, and clear writing, Candy Harrington reminds the reader that everyone is entitled to travel, and that, with a little advice and planning, it can be fulfilling and rewarding for everyone.

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