This comprehensive, yet easy-to-use system allows educators to understand how and when to implement an instructional program for students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The CAPS model answers the questions (a) What supports does my student/child need in each class to be successful? (b) What goals is my student/child working on? and (c) Is there a thoughtful sequence to the student's/child's day that matches his learning style. This timely resource addresses adequate yearly progress (AYP), response to intervention (RTI), and positive behavior support (PBS) in a common-sense format. The CAPS process was designed to be used by the child's educational team, consisting of parents, general educators, special educators, paraprofessionals, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, administrators, psychologists, consultants, siblings, and others who are stakeholders in the student's education.The structure of this innovative tool ensures consistent use of supports to ensure student success as well as data collection to measure that success. In addition, CAPS fosters targeted professional development. Because CAPS identifies supports for each of the student's daily activities, it is possible for all educational professionals working with the student to readily identify the methods, supports, and structures in which they themselves need training.
Update and expansion of the 1st ed. (2007), "The comprehensive autism planning system (CAPS) for individuals with Asperger syndrome, autism, and related disabilities."
With hundreds of colorful illustrations and step-by-step directions, this book lays the foundation for how to structure teaching environments, as well as offers countless examples of activities for students, ranging from basic skills, to ...
Asperger Syndrome and the Elementary School Experience : Practical Solutions for Academic & Social Difficulties ( see page 34 ) Susan Thompson Moore Code 9911 Price : $ 23.95 Does your child or student have difficulty knowing how to ...
Quality Literacy Instruction for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Edited by Kari Dunn Buron , M.S. , and ... ON THE ASA AWARD - WINNING BOOK Designing Comprehensive Intervention for Individuals with High - Functioning Autism and ...
The Ziggurat Model Ruth Aspy, Barry G. Grossman ... pattern is believed to result in poor neural connections across the brain ( Courchesne & Pierce , 2005 ) as well as increased brain size ( C. D. Frith , 2003 ; Redcay & Courchesne ) .
KNOW WHAT YOU CAN'T CONTROL–AND WHAT YOU CAN 26 27 28 29 29 He then collected samples from 430 patients: Talk given by Dr. Ivar Folling, ... Carey Goldberg, “Autismlike disorder reversed in mice,” Boston Globe, February 8, 2007.
Designing Comprehensive Interventions for High-functioning Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Ziggurat Model : Instructor Manual
This book is appropriate for practicing professionals in education and psychology and for speech/language therapists and other clinicians. It is also suitable as a graduate level text in these fields.
The treatment program helps to increase the variety of foods in the child's diet, improve the child's ability to accept touch inside and around the mouth, and expand the number of sounds the child produces-and thereby improving overall ...
... Comprehensive Interventions for High-Functioning Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders Ruth Aspy, Barry G. Grossman ... Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis , 28 ( 3 ) , 285-295 Pierce , K. L. , & Schreibman , L. ( 1994 ) .