General William T Sherman's firsthand account of the Civil War. From Shiloh to Vicksburg and the March to the Sea, General Sherman's campaign crippled the Confederacy and led to Union victory. With eight pages of photos.
Memoirs of General William T. Sherman
Monticello toward Gordon, having dispatched Kilpatrick's cavalry, supported by the Fifteenth Corps (Osterhaus's), to feign on Mason. Kilpatrick met the enemy's cavalry about four miles out of Mason, and drove them rapidly back into the ...
These are in process of compilation; but, at the rate of progress for the past ten years, it is probable that a new century will come before they are published and circulated, with full indexes to enable the historian to make a judicious ...
This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.
A month or so after, our client rushed into the office and said his case had been called at Judge Gardner's (I think), and he wanted his lawyer right away. I sent him up to the Circuit Court, Judge Pettit's, for McCook, ...
Whenever three respectable negroes, heads of families, shall desire to settle on land, and shall have selected for that purpose an island or a locality clearly defined within the limits above designated, the Inspector of Settlements and ...
To some, he is a barbarian; to others, a deliverer. He is immensely quotable, and was very opinionated and outspoken. If you're contemplating studying the Civil War, do not be put off by this book's length.
" Upon its publication in 1875 the book received controversial reviews; Sherman was praised for his outstanding command of military strategy, but was also censured for his harsh "scorched earth" policies which he implemented against the ...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
The memoirs of William Tecumseh Sherman, a Union general in the American Civil War. The two volumes of Sherman's memoirs (both included in this edition) cover a range of times and places leading up to and including the war.