Solid Ground: Buddhist Wisdom for Difficult Times is a lively and topical book that offers guidance on how to respond to the individual crises that inevitably arise in all of our lives as well as to the political, economic, and social challenges society is currently facing. The issue of difficulty in life is at the very essence of Buddhism. The first noble truth could certainly be translated as "life is full of difficulties." And the remaining noble truths could be seen as Buddhism’s analysis of our difficulties and of a path to working with them. Celebrated Buddhist teachers Sylvia Boorstein, Zoketsu Norman Fisher, and Tsoknyi Rinpoche use their diverse wisdom to address the immediate and practical concerns in our lives and to explore the most basic and profound questions of Buddhism: the difficulty of life in general and how we can work with that and ameliorate it. Filled with humor and personal stories, Solid Ground offers specific teachings for concrete situations as well as a way to explore the larger questions of finding equanimity in difficult times.
McCann, T. M., D'Angelo, R., Galas, N., & Greska, M. (2015). Literacy and history in action: Immersive ... Miller, S., Williamson, P., George, M., King, J., Charest, B., Bieler, B., et al. (2015). Applying the CEE position statement ...
Ps. 146:8. ne evening in 1849 British teenager J. Hudson Taylor knelt by his bed and prayed for a deeper consecration to God. Before rising from his knees, Hudson discovered the purpose of his life. He would go to China for Christ.
Originally published: Lincoln: Nebraska Book Pub., c1996.
If only Robert McNamara had known the Law of Solid Ground, the War in Vietnam, and everything that happened at home because of it, might have turned out differently.
"This is a game of resiliency. This is a game of building relationships and minimizing burning bridges. This is the game of building generational wealth and legacies.
" With a natural storyteller's voice and conversational style that draws the reader in and pulls us gently along, he conveys his view that the journey beyond the mind, to the solid ground of being, will bring full satisfaction to life.
Enter Sharon Taberski's classroom and enter a world where children take pride, take risks, and most of all, take reading seriously. It's not utopia by any means; Sharon deals with...
Attempts to predict them have ranged from studies of California’s fault lines by USGS geologists to the work of an odd assortment of psychics and apocalyptics who base their sometimes startlingly accurate forecasts on everything from ...
This book issues an invitation for us to build our lives on bedrock, to search for truth, even when it is hard to find, rather than give in to the temptation of a superficial utilitarianism that ignores life's most important questions.nk ...
To Stand on Solid Ground? brings to life an unusual relationship between Confederate loyalists and Union sympathizers.The story is a deeply human take on the Civil War and the multiple battlefronts that challenged this mountain county and ...